Be not afraid of their faces...
Jeremiah 1:8 KJV
Do you avoid certain activities and social occasions because of insecurity? If so, you might have 'social phobia,' the fear of being inadequate, embarrassed or negatively evaluated. Some of us even experience panic attacks that leave us immobilised to the point of dysfunction. Yet it's avoiding such situations rather than facing them, that allows our fears to control us. How great our fear becomes depends on what we say to ourselves when it hits. And what we say to ourselves is largely a function of what psychologists call our 'sub-personality type.' Here are some common sub-personality types, and ways we can handle them:
'The Worrier.' Worriers anticipate the worst, create grandiose images of potential tragedy, and are always hyper-vigilant for any small signs of trouble. Their favourite self-talk expression is, 'But what if… ?' Learn to replace your worrier self-talk with, 'So, what if… By God's grace I can learn to handle this. I can feel anxious and still do it. I don't like it, but I can stand it until it passes. I'll get used to it with practice and God's help.' When Jeremiah's fears kicked in and he wanted to run from a public speaking assignment, God said to him: 'you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don't be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you… ' (Jeremiah 1:7-8 NLT). Instead of running from it, choose to face it in faith; and watch how God will get you through it!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Keep Preparing Yourself
I have seen a son of Jesse... who is skillful... 1 Samuel 16:18 NKJV
David didn't suddenly become an expert marksman with a slingshot when Goliath showed up, or a master harpist when King Saul invited him to the palace. He took the long, slow, disciplined route. David had no idea what his future held, he simply found joy and fulfillment in discovering and developing his gifts. Your greatest obstacle to personal growth isn't ignorance; it's the illusion of knowledge. It's in believing you've 'arrived.' When that happens you're done growing, which means you're done! Which zone do you live in? The challenge zone: 'I attempt to do what I haven't done before.' The comfort zone: 'I only do what I already know I can do.' The coasting zone: 'I don't even do what I've done before.' Phillips Brooks said, 'Sad is the day for any man when he becomes absolutely satisfied with the life he is living, the thoughts he is thinking, and the things he is doing; when there ceases to be forever beating at the doors of his soul a desire to do something larger which he seeks and knows he was meant and intended to do.'
David's brothers knew his skills, yet none of them told King Saul about him. Be encouraged; you'll get there without them! 'Then one of [Saul's] servants… said, "Look, I have seen a son of Jesse… who is skilful in playing, a mighty man of valour… "' (1 Samuel 16:18 NKJV)David didn't compete with his brothers or complain about his status as a sheepherder. He just kept developing his relationship with God and sharpening his skills, and when the time was right God promoted him. So, keep preparing yourself.
David didn't suddenly become an expert marksman with a slingshot when Goliath showed up, or a master harpist when King Saul invited him to the palace. He took the long, slow, disciplined route. David had no idea what his future held, he simply found joy and fulfillment in discovering and developing his gifts. Your greatest obstacle to personal growth isn't ignorance; it's the illusion of knowledge. It's in believing you've 'arrived.' When that happens you're done growing, which means you're done! Which zone do you live in? The challenge zone: 'I attempt to do what I haven't done before.' The comfort zone: 'I only do what I already know I can do.' The coasting zone: 'I don't even do what I've done before.' Phillips Brooks said, 'Sad is the day for any man when he becomes absolutely satisfied with the life he is living, the thoughts he is thinking, and the things he is doing; when there ceases to be forever beating at the doors of his soul a desire to do something larger which he seeks and knows he was meant and intended to do.'
David's brothers knew his skills, yet none of them told King Saul about him. Be encouraged; you'll get there without them! 'Then one of [Saul's] servants… said, "Look, I have seen a son of Jesse… who is skilful in playing, a mighty man of valour… "' (1 Samuel 16:18 NKJV)David didn't compete with his brothers or complain about his status as a sheepherder. He just kept developing his relationship with God and sharpening his skills, and when the time was right God promoted him. So, keep preparing yourself.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Great Exchange
God made him... to be sin for us...
2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV
The Bible says: 1) 'You must not steal' (Exodus 20:15 TLB). Ever stolen anything? a paper clip, a parking space, the credit for someone else's idea? 2) 'You must not lie' (Exodus 20:16 TLB). You say you haven't - you just did. 3) 'You must not commit adultery' (Exodus 20:14 TLB) Jesus said if you look at someone with lust, you've committed adultery in your heart (Matthew 5:28); ouch! 4) 'You must not murder' (Exodus 20:13 TLB). Before you claim innocence, remember that Jesus equates anger with murder. 'anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder… ' (Matthew 5:22 TM). We assassinate a dozen drivers on our way to work every morning. Bad news: on your best day, you still fall far short of the divine standard required to get into heaven. Good news: 'He was wounded for our transgressions… The chastisement for our peace was upon Him… ' (Isaiah 53:5NKJV). A Chinese convert to Christianity understood this. Before her baptism the pastor asked her a question to ensure she understood the meaning of the cross: 'Did Jesus have any sin?' 'Yes,' she replied. Troubled, he repeated the question. 'Yes, He had sin,' she answered again. The pastor set out to correct her, but she insisted, 'He had mine.' And she was right! 'God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become [righteous in God's eyes].' This is the great exchange. The holy and the vile change places. God makes right what was wrong, and straight what was crooked. Aren't you glad?
2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV
The Bible says: 1) 'You must not steal' (Exodus 20:15 TLB). Ever stolen anything? a paper clip, a parking space, the credit for someone else's idea? 2) 'You must not lie' (Exodus 20:16 TLB). You say you haven't - you just did. 3) 'You must not commit adultery' (Exodus 20:14 TLB) Jesus said if you look at someone with lust, you've committed adultery in your heart (Matthew 5:28); ouch! 4) 'You must not murder' (Exodus 20:13 TLB). Before you claim innocence, remember that Jesus equates anger with murder. 'anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder… ' (Matthew 5:22 TM). We assassinate a dozen drivers on our way to work every morning. Bad news: on your best day, you still fall far short of the divine standard required to get into heaven. Good news: 'He was wounded for our transgressions… The chastisement for our peace was upon Him… ' (Isaiah 53:5NKJV). A Chinese convert to Christianity understood this. Before her baptism the pastor asked her a question to ensure she understood the meaning of the cross: 'Did Jesus have any sin?' 'Yes,' she replied. Troubled, he repeated the question. 'Yes, He had sin,' she answered again. The pastor set out to correct her, but she insisted, 'He had mine.' And she was right! 'God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become [righteous in God's eyes].' This is the great exchange. The holy and the vile change places. God makes right what was wrong, and straight what was crooked. Aren't you glad?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Thoughts On Marriage
A man shall... be joined to his wife...
Genesis 2:24 NKJV
'And the LORD God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper… ' (Genesis 2:18 NKJV). God gave Eve one basic responsibility - to help Adam. As a husband, you bear the primary responsibility for the home. When Eve ate the forbidden fruit, 'God called to Adam… "Where are you?"' (Genesis 3:9 NKJV) Adam was held responsible for the breakdown.
Here's another thought. Before God gave Adam a wife he gave him a job, and specific instructions to obey 'the LORD God took the man and put him in… Eden to tend… it… God commanded… "you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat… "' (Genesis 2:15-17NKJV). Don't mess with a guy who doesn't want to work for a living, or obey God. Furthermore, if he tells you, 'I don't need you,' run! The whole idea of creating Eve was that Adam needed her. Until someone can say, 'I'm incomplete without you,' they're not ready for marriage. Marriage is a big decision, so allow God to help you make the right one. 'the LORD God… brought her to the man.' (Genesis 2:22 NKJV). As a single person your options are: live an immoral lifestyle, marry a non-believer, or wait for God to give you the right mate.
And one final thought: 'a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.' Genesis 2:24 (NKJV). This verse is read at almost every wedding. The problem is, most of us don't think about what we're promising. It means breaking all other ties and giving yourself totally to your mate. Rather than working them into your life, it's building your life around them. The word 'cleave' means to stick like glue through bad times and good, and to commit to loving and caring for each other.
Genesis 2:24 NKJV
'And the LORD God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper… ' (Genesis 2:18 NKJV). God gave Eve one basic responsibility - to help Adam. As a husband, you bear the primary responsibility for the home. When Eve ate the forbidden fruit, 'God called to Adam… "Where are you?"' (Genesis 3:9 NKJV) Adam was held responsible for the breakdown.
Here's another thought. Before God gave Adam a wife he gave him a job, and specific instructions to obey 'the LORD God took the man and put him in… Eden to tend… it… God commanded… "you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat… "' (Genesis 2:15-17NKJV). Don't mess with a guy who doesn't want to work for a living, or obey God. Furthermore, if he tells you, 'I don't need you,' run! The whole idea of creating Eve was that Adam needed her. Until someone can say, 'I'm incomplete without you,' they're not ready for marriage. Marriage is a big decision, so allow God to help you make the right one. 'the LORD God… brought her to the man.' (Genesis 2:22 NKJV). As a single person your options are: live an immoral lifestyle, marry a non-believer, or wait for God to give you the right mate.
And one final thought: 'a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.' Genesis 2:24 (NKJV). This verse is read at almost every wedding. The problem is, most of us don't think about what we're promising. It means breaking all other ties and giving yourself totally to your mate. Rather than working them into your life, it's building your life around them. The word 'cleave' means to stick like glue through bad times and good, and to commit to loving and caring for each other.
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Spiritual Test By: Dr. Michael Youssef
We can all remember our school days when we were faced with exams. We spent all day in school-and still we panicked when it came to test time.
Why? Perhaps it's because our time in the classroom was only one part of the learning process. The other part was time at home engaging with the material through homework, worksheets, and flashcards-all designed to prepare us for exams and to make sure we had a grasp of the material and were headed in the right direction.
The exam brought panic because it was the culmination of all of our hard work and the measure of our direction and mastery of the material.
These exams and tests were for our benefit. They measured our growth, highlighted our strengths and weaknesses, and guided us to the paths we should take. The same is true of our spiritual lives. We face tests and exams on a spiritual level, but they count for greater consequences because the results of these tests are indicators of our eternal future.
We must examine ourselves with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and always be ready to be tested. Always being ready for exams is foundational to a positive life in Christ. Throughout 2 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul wrote about all that God taught him and what gave him power to live positively in Christ in the midst of fear, trepidation, imprisonment, and flogging.
In his conclusion to this letter he says, "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves!" (2 Corinthians 13:5, NASB).
The Corinthians of old fell into the trap that some of our modern educators have fallen into today. If students are not keeping up and succeeding in school, some believe that the standards must be too high-so they lower the standards. The problem is that lowering the standards and changing the curriculum doesn't insist on accountability.
When we refuse to examine ourselves on a regular basis we are taking God's grace and salvation for granted. But don't miss the fabulous news: In this test that the Bible talks about, we can be always a success. Even those who fail the test can succeed.
If you examine yourself on a daily basis and find that you are in the faith, then you will be overjoyed by His grace and mercy and will give God the glory. But if you examine yourself and find that you have moved away from the truth, then God has given you an engraved invitation to repent and to return to the truth.
God promised in His Word to receive anyone who turns to Him. The moment you come face to face with the reality that you have departed from the faith by sinning gravely and you repent, God in His grace and mercy receives you. He embraces you. He forgives you. He restores you. You are, again, overjoyed by His grace and mercy and give God the glory.
Either way, God is glorified. Examine yourself.
Why? Perhaps it's because our time in the classroom was only one part of the learning process. The other part was time at home engaging with the material through homework, worksheets, and flashcards-all designed to prepare us for exams and to make sure we had a grasp of the material and were headed in the right direction.
The exam brought panic because it was the culmination of all of our hard work and the measure of our direction and mastery of the material.
These exams and tests were for our benefit. They measured our growth, highlighted our strengths and weaknesses, and guided us to the paths we should take. The same is true of our spiritual lives. We face tests and exams on a spiritual level, but they count for greater consequences because the results of these tests are indicators of our eternal future.
We must examine ourselves with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and always be ready to be tested. Always being ready for exams is foundational to a positive life in Christ. Throughout 2 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul wrote about all that God taught him and what gave him power to live positively in Christ in the midst of fear, trepidation, imprisonment, and flogging.
In his conclusion to this letter he says, "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves!" (2 Corinthians 13:5, NASB).
The Corinthians of old fell into the trap that some of our modern educators have fallen into today. If students are not keeping up and succeeding in school, some believe that the standards must be too high-so they lower the standards. The problem is that lowering the standards and changing the curriculum doesn't insist on accountability.
When we refuse to examine ourselves on a regular basis we are taking God's grace and salvation for granted. But don't miss the fabulous news: In this test that the Bible talks about, we can be always a success. Even those who fail the test can succeed.
If you examine yourself on a daily basis and find that you are in the faith, then you will be overjoyed by His grace and mercy and will give God the glory. But if you examine yourself and find that you have moved away from the truth, then God has given you an engraved invitation to repent and to return to the truth.
God promised in His Word to receive anyone who turns to Him. The moment you come face to face with the reality that you have departed from the faith by sinning gravely and you repent, God in His grace and mercy receives you. He embraces you. He forgives you. He restores you. You are, again, overjoyed by His grace and mercy and give God the glory.
Either way, God is glorified. Examine yourself.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
When Your Faith Feels Shaky (2)
Reach out... Stop doubting and believe. John 20:27 NIV
New Christians aren't the only ones who struggle with doubt; sometimes seasoned believers do too. One Christian author calls them "doubt-storms… turbulent days when the enemy's too big, the task too great, the future too bleak… and the answers too few." Thomas said, "Unless I… put my finger where the nails were… I will not believe… (John 20:25 NIV). Jesus said "Reach out your hand… Stop doubting and believe" (John 20:27 NIV). Thomas asks the question we all ask when we're struggling, "If God is so good, why do I feel so bad? If His message is so clear, why am I confused? If He's in control, why do good people wrestle with gut-wrenching problems?"… You'd rather be a cynic than a hypocrite, so you… pray with one eye open and wonder… about starving children… the power of prayer… the depth of grace… Christians in cancer wards… and who you are to ask such questions anyway.
Elisabeth Elliot said, "True faith only goes into operation when there are no answers." God says, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways… (Isaiah 55:8 NKJV). The truth is, God doesn't think like us. He sees the big picture and works toward a specific end.
In a conversation with His disciples Jesus said, "I have many more things to say… but they are too much for you now" (John 16:12 NCV). When you find yourself doubting and questioning God, pray: "Lord, believing isn't easy when I'm hurt and confused, and You are silent. Like Thomas, I want proof that You love me. Help me see beyond my desire for peace and comfort, beyond my doubts and unanswered questions, and grasp the truth of Your unfailing love and grace."
New Christians aren't the only ones who struggle with doubt; sometimes seasoned believers do too. One Christian author calls them "doubt-storms… turbulent days when the enemy's too big, the task too great, the future too bleak… and the answers too few." Thomas said, "Unless I… put my finger where the nails were… I will not believe… (John 20:25 NIV). Jesus said "Reach out your hand… Stop doubting and believe" (John 20:27 NIV). Thomas asks the question we all ask when we're struggling, "If God is so good, why do I feel so bad? If His message is so clear, why am I confused? If He's in control, why do good people wrestle with gut-wrenching problems?"… You'd rather be a cynic than a hypocrite, so you… pray with one eye open and wonder… about starving children… the power of prayer… the depth of grace… Christians in cancer wards… and who you are to ask such questions anyway.
Elisabeth Elliot said, "True faith only goes into operation when there are no answers." God says, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways… (Isaiah 55:8 NKJV). The truth is, God doesn't think like us. He sees the big picture and works toward a specific end.
In a conversation with His disciples Jesus said, "I have many more things to say… but they are too much for you now" (John 16:12 NCV). When you find yourself doubting and questioning God, pray: "Lord, believing isn't easy when I'm hurt and confused, and You are silent. Like Thomas, I want proof that You love me. Help me see beyond my desire for peace and comfort, beyond my doubts and unanswered questions, and grasp the truth of Your unfailing love and grace."
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Ardyss International
Ardyss International is an old company that offers a new opportunity. Ardyss was started in Mexico in 1989 by the Diaz de Leon Family. In May of 2007, Ardyss International relocated their corporate headquarters to Las Vegas, Nevada and changed from a direct sales model to a network marketing business model.
This change opened the door for thousands of people to be a part of a life-changing network marketing opportunity and presents the chance for them to build a successful home-based business.
Today, Ardyss does business in the United States, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Mexico with more than 40 distribution centers worldwide. Ardyss is a leader in the Health and Wellness Industry with their ongoing product research and development staff of engineers and doctors. Ardyss has combined the best of industries: Nutrition, Skin Care and Reshaping.
The Ardyss nutritional products have been developed with the health-conscious consumer in mind. Ardyss helps people internally with great nutritional products, one of them being a beverage called Le'Vive juice. It has the world's top 5 antioxidant-producing "super fruits" concentrated in one bottle: Pomegranate, Goji, Acai Berry, which is the same berry that Oprah has flown in from Brazil, Noni, and Mangosteen. It aids in weight-loss and has several other health benefits such as maintaining a healthy blood pressure, controlling diabetes, lowering cholesterol, and preventing cancer.
Ardyss has strategic alliances with world-class enterprises. The Ardyss Skin Care line is made by the same company that manufactures Estee Lauder's skin care collection. And, the makers of MAC Cosmetics produce Ardyss' line of makeup. Therefore, a consumer can be sure they are still getting a high-quality product even if they aren't familiar with the Ardyss name, yet.
All of the Ardyss reshaping garments are medical-grade garments. The Ardyss Reshaping line was designed by an orthopedic surgeon, so not only do they approve appearance, but they have tremendous health benefits, as well. Ardyss has garments for both women and men.
For women, Ardyss has a complete line of body reshaping garments that help restore the shape of the body. What these garments do is called "Lipo Transportation." That means it moves the fatty tissue in the body from where it is to the places it's supposed to be. On a woman's body, there are only two places where fat tissue is necessary: the breasts and buttocks.
The Ardyss Body Magic, their flagship reshaping garment, addresses every problem area on a woman's body, in that it flattens the tummy, lifts the breasts, reshapes the legs, lifts and reshapes the buttocks, straightens the back and pulls the shoulders back to correct posture, giving a woman the shape and posture she had in her younger years. This garment will allow women to drop 2 to 3 dress sizes in minutes. But when worn over time, it will reshape the body through weight and inches lost.
It is important to note that the Body Magic is not a girdle, but a body reshaper. Meaning, if a woman will wear her Body Magic on a regular basis, her body will begin to take on the shape it's in when it is inside the garment. Liken it to Jell-O and a mold. Any time you put Jell-O in a mold, it will take on the shape of the mold that you put it in. In regards to a woman's body and the Body Magic body shaper, the same rules apply. A woman's body is the Jell-O, and the Body Magic is the mold.
If a person wishes to take advantage of the network marketing side of Ardyss International, they may join one of three ways. Start-up costs with Ardyss range from a $30 Membership, a $150 Autoship, to a $299 custom Power Pack. All three ways to enroll will be plus tax and shipping costs of the new distributor kit.
There are several Ardyss distributors earning significant incomes within the first three to six months of starting their Ardyss business, putting them on pace to earn well over six-figures a year in their first year of business...and for several others, seven-figures a year in their first year! That is highly unheard of in network marketing for that level of income to be reached so quickly, but it's happening everyday in Ardyss International because of their rewarding compensation plan.
As it is well-known, network marketing has created many millionaires in the past. It is no different with Ardyss International. Their solid compensation plan has laid the groundwork to allow a person to recoup their initial investment very quickly and make a substantial income.
The Ardyss products are solid in that they are affordable for the average person and gives them instant results, which could make this opportunity very appealing to those who take a closer look.
Even though Ardyss International has been around for nearly twenty years, it is still a ground-floor opportunity for anyone interested in growing a solid home-based business.
If anyone is looking for a ground-floor opportunity, a strong compensation plan, phenomenal products, and strong leadership, Ardyss International deserves a deeper consideration for those searching for a home-based business.
This change opened the door for thousands of people to be a part of a life-changing network marketing opportunity and presents the chance for them to build a successful home-based business.
Today, Ardyss does business in the United States, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Mexico with more than 40 distribution centers worldwide. Ardyss is a leader in the Health and Wellness Industry with their ongoing product research and development staff of engineers and doctors. Ardyss has combined the best of industries: Nutrition, Skin Care and Reshaping.
The Ardyss nutritional products have been developed with the health-conscious consumer in mind. Ardyss helps people internally with great nutritional products, one of them being a beverage called Le'Vive juice. It has the world's top 5 antioxidant-producing "super fruits" concentrated in one bottle: Pomegranate, Goji, Acai Berry, which is the same berry that Oprah has flown in from Brazil, Noni, and Mangosteen. It aids in weight-loss and has several other health benefits such as maintaining a healthy blood pressure, controlling diabetes, lowering cholesterol, and preventing cancer.
Ardyss has strategic alliances with world-class enterprises. The Ardyss Skin Care line is made by the same company that manufactures Estee Lauder's skin care collection. And, the makers of MAC Cosmetics produce Ardyss' line of makeup. Therefore, a consumer can be sure they are still getting a high-quality product even if they aren't familiar with the Ardyss name, yet.
All of the Ardyss reshaping garments are medical-grade garments. The Ardyss Reshaping line was designed by an orthopedic surgeon, so not only do they approve appearance, but they have tremendous health benefits, as well. Ardyss has garments for both women and men.
For women, Ardyss has a complete line of body reshaping garments that help restore the shape of the body. What these garments do is called "Lipo Transportation." That means it moves the fatty tissue in the body from where it is to the places it's supposed to be. On a woman's body, there are only two places where fat tissue is necessary: the breasts and buttocks.
The Ardyss Body Magic, their flagship reshaping garment, addresses every problem area on a woman's body, in that it flattens the tummy, lifts the breasts, reshapes the legs, lifts and reshapes the buttocks, straightens the back and pulls the shoulders back to correct posture, giving a woman the shape and posture she had in her younger years. This garment will allow women to drop 2 to 3 dress sizes in minutes. But when worn over time, it will reshape the body through weight and inches lost.
It is important to note that the Body Magic is not a girdle, but a body reshaper. Meaning, if a woman will wear her Body Magic on a regular basis, her body will begin to take on the shape it's in when it is inside the garment. Liken it to Jell-O and a mold. Any time you put Jell-O in a mold, it will take on the shape of the mold that you put it in. In regards to a woman's body and the Body Magic body shaper, the same rules apply. A woman's body is the Jell-O, and the Body Magic is the mold.
If a person wishes to take advantage of the network marketing side of Ardyss International, they may join one of three ways. Start-up costs with Ardyss range from a $30 Membership, a $150 Autoship, to a $299 custom Power Pack. All three ways to enroll will be plus tax and shipping costs of the new distributor kit.
There are several Ardyss distributors earning significant incomes within the first three to six months of starting their Ardyss business, putting them on pace to earn well over six-figures a year in their first year of business...and for several others, seven-figures a year in their first year! That is highly unheard of in network marketing for that level of income to be reached so quickly, but it's happening everyday in Ardyss International because of their rewarding compensation plan.
As it is well-known, network marketing has created many millionaires in the past. It is no different with Ardyss International. Their solid compensation plan has laid the groundwork to allow a person to recoup their initial investment very quickly and make a substantial income.
The Ardyss products are solid in that they are affordable for the average person and gives them instant results, which could make this opportunity very appealing to those who take a closer look.
Even though Ardyss International has been around for nearly twenty years, it is still a ground-floor opportunity for anyone interested in growing a solid home-based business.
If anyone is looking for a ground-floor opportunity, a strong compensation plan, phenomenal products, and strong leadership, Ardyss International deserves a deeper consideration for those searching for a home-based business.
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