Friday, April 10, 2009


God created marriage to be a union between a man and women. God put Adam here first and quickly realized that he needed a companion. God didn't intend for man to be alone. Once you take those vows for better or worse don't take it lightly. You are not only vowing to each other but also to God that is his wish for marital bliss. There is a three stranded cord Husband, GOD, Wife. If your marriage has those three key elements it will be able to withstand the pressures of this world. A threefold cord is not quickly broken. You will be able to obliterate the bad times and toast and celebrate the good ones with knowing that God is directing your love story. Don't get so caught up in this world that you allow it to conform you to it.

I know that as women a lot of times we want to be Miss Independent. But once you have that helpmate allow him to be that. And if you don't have that husband yet be patient and allow God to send him to you. And it's ok to pray for that mate but make sure you are specific on what it is you desire in a mate. God does grant the desires of our hearts. And women learn how to be everything your spouse needs and wants, husbands that goes for you too. Make your homes a place where your husband/wife can't wait to come to and never want to leave. God intended for men to be the head of their home. So take your cue from your husbands that he is being directed by God if he is living for God. Trust that he is hearing God's voice on how to lead the house the way God intends. Never take for grant what you both bring to the marriage. And never ever make the other feel less of a person. You both have unique qualities and they are worthy to the union of your marriage.

Once you get married it is said that you are to leave your father, mother, friend etc. behind. That does not mean to cut everyone off but your marriage takes precedence over any other relationship. And never allow outside influences to have a vote in your marriage because you will live to regret it later. But always remember to keep God in the middle of your marriage and trust me you will be able to sustain. Learn to love with your whole heart and forgive quickly. Never allow angry to creep in and take hold in your marriage.

If I can give any of you married couples advice pray about everything, stress about nothing, and never give up. And remember to pray together as husband and wife as well as with your family. A family that prays together stays together. Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. One may be overpowered by another, two can withstand together.

I have learned as a business owner,network marketer,coach, and mentor to view everything that God grants me as a ministry. You are equip with your own unique tools in life use them for good and you will be successful in whatever you put your hands to. My ministries are to help others achieve total wellness as well as share knowledge with others to help enhance their lives and help make their dreams a reality.

Everlena Jackson

Many blessings to you and I hope you enjoyed reading!!!

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