Nearly every home in America is wired for electricity. Walls are covered with receptacles that deliver the electric current. In order to take advantage of the power, something must be plugged in to the receptacle. The receptacle is the female, and the plug is the male.
Like receptacles, women were made to be receivers. Men are made to be givers---physically, sexually, and emotionally.
The woman was fashioned out of the man to complete his purpose, to be a helpmeet. She helps him meet and accomplish his task. Take the power saw, for example. A power saw has great potential for cutting. However, it is ineffective until it is plugged in. The receptacle helps the power saw meet its purpose. Without the receptacle, the saw, though mighty, remains limited.
There is a certain vulnerability about being a receptacle. By nature, women are wide open; men are closed. You must be careful what you allow to plug in to you and draw strength from you. The wrong plugs can drain your power.
God recognizes your vulnerability; therefore, He has designed a plan whereby a man who plugs in to a woman sexually must have a covenant with her. God never intended for anyone to have casual sex. His design always included the commitment of a covenant. He planned for men and women who are joined together sexually to be committed for life. Nothing short of this commitment meets His standard.
God wants a woman to be covered like an outlet is covered, in order that no one tamper with her intended purpose. The married woman is covered by her husband. The single woman is covered by her chastity and morality. It is dangerous to be uncovered.
In Genesis 3, we see that Eve allowed herself to be uncovered by Satan, who plugged in to her desire to see, taste, and be wise. The enemy took advantage of her weakness. Be careful whom you let uncover you. The wrong person can lead you to complete destruction.
Be on your guard. There is a special conflict between women and the enemy. He is attracted to you because he knows that you were designed to help meet someone's purpose. If he can get you to help meet his purpose, you will belong to him and not to God.
If godly women do not learn how to start praying and doing effective spiritual warfare, they will never discern what is plugging in to them. Pray to be plugged in to the mighty power of God's Spirit. He alone can overcome the enemy's strategy to bring you down.
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