Friday, May 29, 2009

Don't let someone get in under the fence!!!

We all have things in our lives that we are not willing to compromise on. Have you sat down and thought about what you are not willing to bend on? But, if you have to think about it that means that if the right situation presents itself you will compromise. Once I became a mother and wife my family became my everything. My husband has peace because he knows that my integrity is intact when it comes to him. I will not sacrifice what God has brought together for his glory. I am determined to be the best wife I can be with God's help and direction every step of the way. My children know that when they are in need of anything from money for a field trip, sports fees, a ear to hear them speak, help with homework, or even a hug mommy is there and I will not trade that for anything. I am so very blessed to be able to have the freedom I desire without putting my family and life on hold to achieve success. So that is the mean reason I do what I do each and everyday and I love helping others have that same freedom.

I begin to examine my life and say you know there is more to me than meets the eye. There is greatness in each and everyone of us. But, the question is are you willing to tap into it? Sometimes we have to push ourselves further then we think we are capable of going. We must remember anything in this world worth having is worth working for. And in order to maintain it you have to do some up keep. Growing up I always knew that I did not want to work for someone else forever. But of course that is what most parents tell their children go to school, get good grades, go to college, find a good job, and retire.Blah, Blah, Blah that's not me (LOL). Not me I'm instilling in my children have your own be your own boss make your own rules. Go after whatever you want in life and always give it 100% , help people along the way, and always put God first in whatever you do and you will succeed. I knew that I could have it all and not sacrifice anything. The husband, children, live life, and enjoy every minute of it. Not just have a life with things and no time to enjoy it. Now don't get me wrong it takes time to get to the point where you are working smarter not harder. Everything has to have a foundation and if you lay a solid foundation for your business you have already succeeded because the rest will be much easier. Remember if you want something bad enough you are going to give it you're all.

I made the decision to become a Business Owner, Internet marketer, Mentor and Coach and I will not never look back with regret. Why? Because I am doing just what God has instructed me to do for my relationship with him and for the betterment of my family. I am dedicated to what I believe in, and that is the KEY. If you are going to be apart of something you have to believe in it to be able to stand behind it. So if you are looking to join a company, sell a product, refer a customer, help someone achieve a goal or whatever it may be you have to first believe in it. If you are lacking belief in what you are doing you are just spinning your wheels, and might as well stop now.

When you have a business you have to set standards, think about it when you go to get a job you have to fill out an application, get background check, drug test, and interview etc. Now think about your own personal business venture that you start if it took you certain things to get started why wouldn't you require others that want to join you to meet the same standards. Don't let someone into your business under the fence, set the bar and continue to know what you require and settle for nothing less. Once you set the bar you will be able to attract like-minded people to join you not your business. If you want something different you have to do something different. There are people out there that truly will be an asset to you and not a liability. But always remember people join you not your business so make sure you have something of value to offer. Be a leader in whatever you do and always lead with your heart. Everyone has things that can be shared with others to benefit them, but do we have the courage to let others in. Never let others determine your worth, God has an assignment with your name on it. I'm walking in mine and lovin every minute of it. I would love for you to join me and be all that you desire to be.

Thanks for reading my blog and I hope and pray that it encourages you to seek whatever it is your heart desires. Be blessed and keep pushin forward never backwards!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Nothing Else Works

Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea...
John 21:1 NKJV

The disciples, experienced fishermen, fished all night and caught nothing. We all know what that feels like, right? Next morning Jesus appeared on the shore and said, '… Cast the net on the right side of the boat… ' (John 21:6 NKJV). When they did they caught so many fish their net broke. This story teaches us three things about Jesus:
1) Usually, you find Him at the end of your struggle. As long as you think you can do it on your own, He will let you try. And as long as what worked for you before is still working, you won't reach out to Him for help. It's only when you run out of answers that you discover it's '… Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit saith the Lord… ' (Zechariah 4:6).
2) He never takes His eye off you. '… When the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; and yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus' (John 21:4 NKJV). They couldn't see Him, but He could see them. In spite of your emotional upheaval, your disappointment in those you trusted, and the futility of your own efforts, you're never beyond His care - or His reach.
3) He invites you to come and dine. Only after He fed them and had fellowship with them, did they recognise Him. At that point their doubts dissolved, their faith was renewed and they were empowered to go out and do His work. It's back to basics! The answers you seek and the strength you need can be found only by feeding on God's Word and fellowshipping with Him in prayer. Simply stated: nothing else works.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Begin Again!

You have heard of the perseverance of Job...
James 5:11 NKJV

There are four faces of the man of God in the book of Ezekiel: a lion, an eagle, a man, and an ox. The last face, the ox, speaks of perseverance. The ox is a plodder. He will plough from sunup until sundown. Put him in a stall, feed him, and next day he'll plough and plod until the task is complete. He refuses to quit. Look at Job, attending the funeral of his ten children, losing his wealth and his health, listening to a wife with a tongue sharp enough to clip a hedge. Yet despite all her dour words he didn't quit. Learn from him! 'You have heard of the perseverance of Job, and seen the end intended by the Lord.' Job focused on the end-goal, not the immediate circumstance. Our problem is, we want it all now. A billboard reads, 'Antiques manufactured while you wait.' Life doesn't work that way!
There are times when quitting looks good, defeat inescapable and retreat the only option. The question is, how will you handle these times? David Ben-Gurion observed: 'Courage is a special kind of knowledge; the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared and how not to fear what ought not to be feared. From this knowledge comes an inner strength that inspires us to push on in the face of great difficulty. What can seem impossible is often possible with courage.' So whatever difficulties you're facing today, draw on God's grace and keep trying. Mountains only seem so high from the valley. The road to success runs uphill; don't expect to break any speed records. The thing to try when all else fails is begin again!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Affiliate Funnel Is A Different Way Of Thinking When It Comes To Downline Building

Downline building has been around since the beginning of the internet. The offer is very exciting, let people know about your product or service, refer a few folks and presto, you are on your way to massive success. What's the problem with this scenario though?

Simple, downline building isn't as effective as it once was years ago. Sure there are people making lots of money online using their downlines and affiliate marketing strategies but during the past few years a change has been taking place.

It's called the marketing funnel and if you think of the pyramid look of a 'downline', flip it!
Here's how it works. Get as many people as you can into the top of your funnel and funnel them down into paying customers. Start with a free front end product or service and then let your marketing turn those free leads into paying customers and clients.

Affiliate Funnel is a service that does this plus so much more. It is an all in one business hub that shows you how to properly promote online using the best free resources around and channel these leads into a thriving downline. This is the power of a well put together marketing funnel, taking leads and turning them into clients.

Affiliate Funnel is owned by two guys who have build massive six figure businesses using free resources and their own marketing funnel. Paul Kinder and Jon Olson have put their experience in a bottle and packaged it for anyone to check out for free at:

Be sure to check out the Funnel today and start to promote your business the right way using the absolute best tools on the net. The results are there, it's time to grab them...