Thursday, August 27, 2009

Millions face shrinking Social Security checks - Washington Times

Now is the time to take your future into your hands don't leave it to someone else. Take action and make a change. An appointment with Ardyss International will change your life. Send me a message or give me a call and I will help you make that change that will take you to the next level in life.

Millions face shrinking Social Security checks - Washington Times

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Are you building on the Rock or Sand?

Matthew 7:24-27

We all have to make sure that our foundation is built on the ROCK, or you will have a great FALL. Seek first the kingdom and put God at the head of everything. I'm not saying to just say he's the head of your life and you're not a living, walking, talking example of Christ's love. We have to take inventory of ourselves daily to make sure that when you are before God he doesn't say depart from me I never knew you. That is not a good place to be so make sure you are killing the flesh daily. Don't ever get tired of doing what's right. And don't look at others and say oh they are successful and doing all of the wrong things. Let God deal with others situations and never envy someone for what you think they got. Because you never know what they had to do to get it. Your season is coming, but make sure you have seed in the ground to be able to reap a harvest in do season. Make sure every step is ordered by God and you are in his will for your life.

Live life on purpose because we all have a Destiny to fulfill in the Lord. If God starts a work in you he will bring it to completion. Matthew 7:12 Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them. In easy terms do onto others as you would have them do onto you. Sharing your faith may become effective by the acknowledgement of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. Never allow the world to conform you but you be transformed by the spirit. Know that with Christ all things are possible. There is nothing to hard for God. Never allow idols to be you God. And you don't have to chase after anything because the Bible tells us that blessings will chase you and overtake you. That's why knowing your word and being able to stand on the promises of God is so great. You have to stand up to circumstances and enforce change. We have to learn to initiate the relationship with God he is always there you just have to open the door and get intimate with him.

A relationship with God is the best thing that you can ever have. God is faithful, and just to his word if he said it, it will come to past. We all have a season that we have to endure, but we are always equipped with what we need. Never allow your situations to dictate your future cause God is a big God and able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all that we can ask or think. Learn to praise in advance because you know that he is there and has you covered at every end. When God is not moving on your speed you begin to say oh man God is taking care of me. But guess what he works on a time table that you can handle. If God revealed all that he has for you, you won't be able to handle it. And another thing if he gave you everything a once you would no longer think that you needed him and you were doing everything with your own strength.

I'm standing on the promises of God for my life and my children's and grand children's lives and I know without a shadow of a doubt that they will come to pass. God is not a man that he should lie and his word will never return VOID. I love that and can depend on it he has never forsaken me or left me.

Everlena Jackson

Proud Work at Home Mom of 4 making it happen with God's help


Monday, August 10, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Have you heard of the Body Magic?

Lose 2 to 3 inches in 10 minutes!!

Watch video

Have you tried "The Body Magic"?

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I have just partnered with Ardyss International and we are LITERALLY giving women back their lives. And helping men get their six packs back!!

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Take a look at the great before and after pictures of those who have experienced an Instant


Everlena Jackson

Drop weight like never before!!
